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Mail Fraud

Accused of Mail Fraud? You Need an Experienced Mail Fraud Defense Lawyer Now!

If you’ve been charged with mail fraud, you’re dealing with a ticking time bomb. Without a skillful federal mail fraud defense attorney by your side, you face the prospect of decades in prison. Life as you know it will end as you become tangled in a web of investigations by U.S. Postal Inspectors, the Internal Revenue Services, the FBI, and other federal agencies.

Federal mail fraud charges can arise from a number of activities, including soliciting advanced fees for services, sweepstakes advertisements, and complimentary vacation notifications. They can involve mail that appears as though it originated from the government, solicitations that resemble invoices, and mailers that advertise investment opportunities. The mailpieces don’t necessarily have to be sent through the U.S. Post Office in order to be considered fraudulent. Federal mail fraud can also be charged after using interstate carriers such as UPS, FedEx, or DHL. It’s common for a mail fraud charge to be tacked onto other types of white-collar criminal charges, such as securities fraud, healthcare fraud, or tax evasion.

A federal mail fraud conviction is serious business. You face the possibility of up to 20 years in prison and a hefty fine. You may be subject to sentencing enhancements if the fraud is found to be related to a presidentially declared major disaster or emergency, or if it affects a financial institution. In that case, the sentence can be up to 30 years in prison and a fine of up to $1 million.

With the help of a mail fraud defense lawyer, you will have the best possible opportunity to have the charges dropped, negotiate to a lesser charge, or be acquitted at trial. The stakes are incredibly high, so quick action is required.

With more than five decades of experience, mail fraud defense attorney Alan Spears can help. Examples of the mail fraud defenses he may use in your case include:

  • You had no intent to defraud; you were simply marketing your legitimate product or service
  • You made no material misrepresentations
  • Law enforcement conducted an illegal search
  • The evidence is legally inadmissible
  • The U.S. Attorney has insufficient evidence to secure a conviction, so the case should be dismissed

Mail fraud defense lawyer Alan Spears is on your side. With his help, you can fight the federal criminal justice system and protect your future. But every minute you wait is a minute wasted, so call immediately 951-400-4574 for a free, confidential consultation. Obtain legal help from Alan Spears 24/7. Your future depends upon it.


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