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Money Laundering

Accused of Money Laundering? You Need a Money Laundering Defense Lawyer Now!

If you’re facing federal money laundering charges or are under investigation for money laundering, the clock is ticking. You need to get a jumpstart on your money laundering criminal defense. After all, your freedom and your future hang in the balance.

Having the right money laundering defense lawyer navigating the federal criminal justice system can mean the difference between being able to breathe freely and having to spend years – or even decades – in federal prison. It can mean the difference between knowing that you have financial security and having all of your money and assets taken away. It can mean the difference between coming home to your loved ones and seeing them only on prison visiting days.

Federal money laundering statutes (18 U.S.C. Section 1956-1957) involves three different kinds of behavior: domestic money laundering, international money laundering, and sting operations. In order to prevail, the U.S. Attorney has to prove that you knew the money was a byproduct of an illegal act, that you participated in the financial transaction, and that the transaction affected interstate or foreign commerce. The underlying financial transaction can involve moving funds, transferring property titles, or using a financial institution. Typically, a separate count of money laundering is charged for each transaction.

While the sentencing guidelines for money laundering are complex, a conviction typically means a federal prison sentence, fines, and money and property forfeiture. In other words, the stakes couldn’t be higher. That’s why you need Alan Spears at your side. With more than five decades of money laundering defense experience, he has the skill needed to mount the rigorous defense you need and deserve.

Examples of the defenses that money laundering lawyer Alan Spears may use in your case include:

  • You did not intend to commit a crime
  • You were not aware that the money was obtained illegally
  • You felt threatened and acted under duress
  • You were the victim of an illegal search and seizure, and the evidence is therefore inadmissible in court

Without the most effective money laundering defense lawyer fighting for you, you face insurmountable odds. With Alan Spears as your attorney, the potential exists to have the charges dropped, to negotiate a favorable plea agreement or immunity deal, or to prevail at trial. He will ensure that your rights are protected, and work doggedly to ensure that you can live life on your own terms.

If you’re under investigation for money laundering, time is not on your side. Call Alan Spears immediately 951-400-4574 for a free, confidential consultation. He’s available to take your call 24/7/365.


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