Fighting For You Since 1975.

Protect Your Future. Avoid Jail. Get Criminal Charges Dropped or Reduced.


Accused of Racketeering? You Need a Racketeering Defense Lawyer Now!

If you’re under investigation for or facing racketeering charges, you don’t have a moment to waste. Prosecutors are keen to find any excuse to prosecute people for RICO Act violations, and have used that law to charge a variety of organizations and enterprises. Indeed, before an indictment has even been filed, government lawyers can obtain a restraining order for any property that might be subject to forfeiture in the event of a conviction.

That’s why you need the help of racketeering defense attorney Alan Spears. With five decades of experience representing people on racketeering charges, he’s uniquely positioned to deliver the defense you need to have the charges dropped or reduced, or to achieve acquittal at trial. He understands federal racketeering law and knows the dire consequences of a conviction.

It’s important to remember that U.S. Attorneys charge racketeering for a number of alleged activities, including:

  • Gambling
  • Bribery
  • Money Laundering
  • Counterfeiting
  • Embezzlement
  • Drug Trafficking
  • Securities fraud
  • Murder
  • Kidnapping

The penalties for a racketeering conviction are severe. If convicted, you can be subject to 20 years in prison, or prison for life if the underlying acts carry a life sentence. You’ll also be fined $250,000 or twice the earnings that resulted from the offense. In addition, you’ll be forced to forfeit any proceeds or property associated with the offense, and will be prohibited from being involved with the enterprise in the future.

The federal government has virtually limitless resources to investigate potential racketeering charges. That’s why you need a racketeering defense attorney who’s up to the task of combing through documents, compelling prosecutors and institutions to turn over relevant records, and use dogged determination in creating the doubt needed to have the charges dropped, negotiate a plea agreement, guarantee immunity from prosecution, or secure an acquittal. 

In mounting your defense, racketeering defense attorney Alan Spears will work to demonstrate that one or more elements of a racketeering charge haven’t been proven. For example, he will seek to show that: 

  • There wasn’t a criminal enterprise;
  • That you weren’t associated with the criminal enterprise;
  • That you didn’t knowingly agree to participate in a criminal enterprise;
  • That the enterprise’s actions didn’t involve interstate commerce; or
  • That you and another person didn’t agree to commit two acts of racketeering

If you’re under investigation for racketeering, the time to act is now. Call racketeering defense lawyer Alan Spears right this minute 951-400-4574 for a free, confidential consultation.


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