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Sex Crimes

Have you been falsely accused of a sex crime in Southern California?

If you’ve been charged with a sex crime in Southern California, time is of the essence. Even the mere hint of a sex crimes accusation can have a ripple effect that can rob you of your family, your money, and even your freedom. Friends turn their backs on you. Your spouse and children vanish. Job opportunities may evaporate.

If you’re convicted of a sex crime in Riverside County, Los Angeles County, or San Bernardino County, then your situation becomes even more dire. You may face going to jail or prison, paying hefty fines, and registering as a sex offender. That can lead to severe restrictions on where you’re allowed to live, where you’re allowed to work, and even where you’re allowed to walk. Strangers will even be able to consult California’s Megan’s Law website to discover where you live and subject you to even more scrutiny.

If you’re in Southern California and have been charged with a sex crime, time is not your friend. It is in your best interest to call sex crimes defense lawyer Alan Spears today. He has more than five decades of experience helping clients just like you create successful sex crimes defenses. He works diligently on behalf of clients in Riverside County, Los Angeles County, and San Bernardino County to protect their rights and protect their futures.

Learn more about sex crimes charges in Southern California, as well as the sex crimes defenses available to you with the help of sex crimes lawyer Alan Spears.

Remember that sex crimes lawyer Alan Spears is on your side. He will ensure that you have the rigorous defense you deserve in order to protect your future. You deserve a winning Southern California sex crimes lawyer fighting for your future. Call Alan Spears 24/7 951-400-4574 for a free, confidential consultation.


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