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Wire Fraud

Accused of Wire Fraud? You Need an Experienced Wire Fraud Defense Lawyer Now!

If you’ve been charged with wire fraud, time is not on your side. Unless you have a seasoned federal wire fraud defense attorney fighting for your freedom, you face the prospect of decades in prison and financial ruin. While the concept of wire fraud sounds antiquated and conjures images of Morse code, the reality is that wire fraud charges are front of mind for the federal investigators that monitor computer keyboards and smartphones.

What makes wire fraud charges more insidious is that they can be brought for each and every allegation. In other words, if you’re accused of sending out two dozen fraudulent emails, you can be on the hook for 24 counts of wire fraud. In addition, it’s important to know that U.S. wire fraud laws (18 U.S.C. Section 1343) provide U.S. Attorneys with fallback charges when they can’t get other types of fraud charges – like securities fraud or healthcare fraud – to stick. 

A federal wire fraud conviction can be devastating. You are looking at the possibility of up to 20 years in prison and a hefty fine. Sentencing enhancements are also on the table if the fraud is determined to affect a financial institution or be related to a presidentially declared major disaster or emergency. If so, you can be sentenced to up to 30 years in prison and fined up to $1 million.

Your only hope of a favorable outcome is to have the assistance of a wire fraud defense lawyer. With more than five decades of experience, wire fraud defense attorney Alan Spears can help. He will work tirelessly to have the charges dropped, negotiated to a lesser charge, or to achieve acquittal at trial. The stakes couldn’t be higher, so time is of the essence.

Examples of the wire fraud defenses Alan Spears may use in your case include:

  • You did not intend to defraud and thus do not meet the threshold for prosecution
  • You were mistaken about key facts, and thus could not have committed fraud
  • You made no material misrepresentations
  • You were the victim of an illegal search
  • The evidence against you is legally inadmissible

Wire fraud defense lawyer Alan Spears has your back. He will go toe-to-toe with the federal criminal justice system and achieve the best possible outcome in your case. Remember, though, that every second counts. Call today – day or night – for a free 951-400-4574, confidential consultation. Your freedom may depend on it.


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